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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

My Classroom: 2015 - 2016

I have been so excited to show you all my classroom this year.  I am going to keep this post short and sweet and let the pictures speak for themselves. I will just leave it at this... it is by far my favorite room EVER!  Schoolgirl Style's Road Trip line is amazzzzzzing!

Thanks for visiting and looking at my classroom!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Five for Friday {July 17th}

Hello, Friday! It seems the closer we get to August, the sweeter Fridays and the weekend become.  I know you’ll want to throw rotten tomatoes at me for saying this, but I am actually excited about going back to school soon.  I truly thrive off of the structure that having a schedule gives me.  Don’t get me wrong… I love breaks, too.  Structure is my happy place and I am excited for it to be back.  Not to mention, I’m a nerd and I just love my job.

I can’t believe this week is already over! It really flew by due to the fact I have been going nonstop and that is not changing any time soon.  I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday to share a peek at my week with you!

Today marked the end of week 2 for Insanity Max: 30 for me.  I cannot express to you just how different of a place I am in today than I was at this time last week.  The increase in my strength in the last two weeks in astonishing and my endurance is building. I love how awesome I have been feeling.  I have been consistently drinking my Shakeology as well.  Boy, I forgot how amazing it makes me feel!  I will be blogging about     my first two weeks soon

I’ve pretty much made every possible thing for my classroom that I can.  I purchased an awesome set from Schoolgirl Style and used the paper to create a birthday chart, class job, schedule cards, bulletin board labels and more.  So what’s left to do now? Create for my husband’s classroom of course! He is doing a simple Americana theme and I have loved making a few things for him.  The last thing I made were some labels for his book boxes. 

One of biggest part of my week has been my Orientation and Mobility class I started for my vision impairment endorsement.  This class was such a game changer for me.  It was incredibly hands on.  We were “blind” for a big portion of our experience.  We learned some of the basics of guiding, using a cane, and introducing ways to help students with visual impairments.  The biggest thing I will be taking away from our experience is something that will stick with me for as long as I live.  We were taken to Cheddars and had to eat an entire meal blindfolded.  Talk about humbling.  You never realize how much you rely on your vision until it is taken away.  I am planning on incorporating a version of this activity into my instruction when I talk about Exceptional Children’s Week with my kiddos this spring.  Definitely life changing. 

Another Beachbody event to talk about… Summit 2015 is happening now! I so wish I could have gone, but with the way my classes fell and our finances it just wasn’t possible.  I watched the Opening Ceremony last night and there were a ton of awesome announcements.  The Master’s: Hammer and Chisel is a new program coming out in December.  It teams up 2 master Beachbody trainers to create a body masterpiece like you’ve never seen.  Shakeology Boosts are available next Monday! I am so excited for the vital greens boost as well as the focused energy boost.  It is going to up my nutrition game for sure.  More details about the Beachbody Performance Line and Cize were released as well as new features for Beachbody on Demand.  Hello, Beachbody app! That will make my Vegas trip in September much easier because I will only have to take my iPad!


Last but not least this week is a celebration.  One of my best and sweetest friends had a baby in March named Jase.  Jase was born with gastroschisis, which simply means part of his digestive organs were born on the outside of his body.  He is the strongest human I know.  He has been through many ups and downs but I am so excited to say that he is finally coming home! I have been praying so hard for the last few months for this little fighter and I am so excited for my bestie and her hubby.  Folks, God is SO good!  Their little family has been through so much.  If you’d like to help out, visit their Booster page and buy a shirt!

Go check out 5 for Friday and see what other teacher bloggers have been up to this week!